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Farm and Garden Supplies  - Delivery Service
Serving the Farming Communities of New York State from Oneida to Skaneateles; Richfield Springs to Binghamton


DeRuyter Farm and Garden Co-Op provides a deliver service for farm and garden products at a reasonable rate, 5 days a week. Delivery area includes west to Skaneateles to Oneida, east to Richfield Springs and south to Binghamton.

Contact us if you would like to be included in our delivery service or have any questions regarding this service. 

We mix, deliver and spread farm fertilizer. We also deliver and spread lime.


There is a Co-Op advisor specialist, Bill Gallanger, available for customers to answer any of your questions or concerns. Also available are feed specialists, Steve Judd and Nick DeCarlo.  Contact us if you would like to speak to Bill, Steve or Nick.





©2011 DeRuyter Farm & Garden Co-op
All Rights Reserved
Serving the Farming Communities in New York State
from Oneida to Skaneateles, Richfield Springs to Binghamton